Sunday, February 1, 2009

On Being Lonely . . .

We're watching too much Oprah and Dr. Phil. True Americans are in pain. The addictions to debt, food, liquor and crystal meth are all tell tale signs. But not everyone who is lonely and looking for a relationship has low self esteem. That's what every counselor and psychiatrist will have you believe. Let me put it to you this way. I know I'm good looking, look at the face in the title bar, it's undeniable. I know that I have a great career. I know that I was born into this world by myself and I will die alone. I also know that having a girl is not the answer to all my problems. I'm pretty smart right, I mean I waited until 29 to start my Master's program, but I have a basic understanding of myself and the world around me. So I know that I can live alone. I mean I have for the last 11 years and have not broken out with a terminal illness. But I don't believe that GOD put us on this earth to be single. One should have companionship. Why do you think so many movies and songs are made about love? It's a human desire to love someone and be loved romantically.

One of the biggest issues that has cropped up as of late is the insane amount of time that passes after puberty until the average marrying age, which is now 26. In the 1800s you were married between 14 and 16 so therefore once you hit puberty you got married. You didn't have to worry what to do if you got wet or hard. There was someone forced upon you. Now there's premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, casual dating, internet chatting, meeting parents, extrimarital affairs, homosexuality and a whole host of experiences to be had between puberty and marriage. I love dating. I love casual sex. The issue is that starting around 23 I began to long for a partnership. One where we go out on dates still. Where we don't have to make love all the time, we can still have the roughness from casual sex. I also want the butterflies that come after you realize she is special. Calling her to tell her you miss her on the way home from her house. Neither one of you wanting to hang up the phone first so you stay on an extra 10 minutes. Arguments over the remote control, the way you eat, the bathroom sink and what movie we should go see are all pleasureable and you know why? Because it proves someone cares. Someone besides your mama, somebody besides Jesus (even though that's all you NEED) cares enough to stay in your presence although you aggrivate them.

I'm sounding mushy, but being single aint nearly half as fun as it used to be. The more I try not to think about it, the more I think about it. It's not low self esteem, that I suffer from, it's an abundance of life. So many things are going well for me right now, I have time to be lonely. When you're sick or broke, love is the last thing on your mind. It's on my mind because everything is fitting together so well in my life and this is the missing piece.

The puzzle is almost done.

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